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“There are 2865 buildings on the national earthquake prone register”
Download our Free App and see all the registered earthquake prone buildings near you.
Hailed as ’the life safety app to have on your phone’, Earthquake Prone (EQ Prone) helps New Zealanders take their life safety seriously keeping people informed about the building they occupy, enter or pass by.
NZ’s System for Managing Earthquake-Prone Buildings…
This quick video from Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment introduces the national system for managing earthquake-prone buildings.
- Why we have a national system
- Brief overview of how the system works
See what EQProne notices look like.
Refer to the Building Earthquakeprone Buildings Amendment Act 2016.
EQProneNZ App
Use the App to discover even more about buildings nationwide and whether they are earthquake prone. Find out how safe their location is and what the built-up environment around you looks like.
- All the buildings should have a Earthquake Prone Building (EPB) note displayed
- It is an offence to not display the required notice on all entry/exit points of an EPB building (liable fine $20,000)
- Currently local government do not appear to enforce the display of required EPB notifications to the public, as required by law
- Earthquake prone buildings are now New Zealand’s new leaky home syndrome
- The HSWA 2015 consequences are now catastrophic across New Zealand workplaces and buildings. Life safety must be our number one priority
App Features
- Shows all buildings on the national earthquake prone register
- Building list updated regularly
- View building earthquake rating (0-20%) or (20-34%) of NBS
- Receive an alert when near an earthquake-prone building
- Search for buildings by address, street, town, city or nationwide
- See building warning notice that should be displayed, if it’s been issued
- List of buildings updated weekly
What you need to know
- The Earthquake Prone problems are complex and unique to each building and as we live in the shaky isles its long overdue that this nationwide issue be acknowledged. The App is a good start considering recent events, providing public access to vital information so individuals who are potentially at risk can make informed decisions
- We are helping people with workplace and personal preparedness
- The HSWA recognises natural disasters are a hazard and all reasonable, practical steps should be taken to minimise hazards
- Staying in an earthquake prone building may not be the safest option post event, with much greater risk of serious building damage and high life safety risk
- We do not want a repeat of the experiences of previous quakes and loss of life
How the App Can Keep You Safe
- Use search function to find an actual address
- Or search through map of area you may visit
- If you are aware of the status of the surrounding buildings, plan your evacuation route
- In the event of an earthquake, your life safety is a priority. Drop, Cover and Hold, then consider your next steps. Be aware of buildings close by and hazard factors that may affect life safety
- An innovative new resilience experience: interacting, sharing building information with New Zealanders like never before
- Enhanced self-discovery process putting the management of life safety and risk back in the hands of the public who choose to occupy buildings throughout New Zealand
- Provides building insights giving a deeper insight into the inner failings of New Zealand’s built up infrastructure
- Use alerts and building status to evaluate your evacuation procedures or route
- While you should drop cover hold, when shaking stops, you may wish to evacuate safely and promptly