Earthquake Prone Buildings
When you open the app you will see a map showing the number of earthquake prone buildings around you. Zoom in to see individual buildings.

Earthquake Prone Building Notice
- Provides building specific information
- Provides a link to the EPB building notice that must be displayed

Alert Notifications
- Based on this building being 20% to 34% of the New Building Standard (NBS), life safety risk is very high and the building has a 10-25% greater risk of damage relative to a new building
- In a seismic event you may wish to evacuate as soon as it’s safe to do so

Building Notification Radius

EQ Prone Notifications
- EQ Prone notifications received on home screen
- Some of the buildings on the list do not have an earthquake rating as yet. They may still be being assessed
- These buildings may not display a notice

Building Status
- Use search function to find an actual address
- Or search through map of area you may visit
- If you are aware of the status of the surrounding buildings, plan your evacuation route
- In the event of an earthquake, your life safety is a priority. Drop, Cover and Hold, then consider your next steps. Be aware of buildings close by and hazard factors that may affect life safety

EQ Prone Android Layout
- Settings tab on top right of screen, for building notifications and also changing radius for notifications, 5, 10, 20 or 50m
- To search for building, click on the buildings tab, then search bar is at top of screen

EQ Prone Android Notifications
Notifications appear as a triangle on top of screen, pull down and click on to see notification

EQ Prone Android Info
Click on what is NBS? A table appears showing the potential building risk and life safety risk based on percentage of %NBS

- An innovative new resilience experience: interacting, sharing building information with New Zealanders like never before
- Enhanced self-discovery process putting the management of life safety and risk back in the hands of the public who choose to occupy buildings throughout New Zealand
- Provides building insights giving a deeper insight into the inner failings of New Zealand’s built up infrastructure
- Use alerts and building status to evaluate your evacuation procedures or route
- While you should drop cover hold, when shaking stops, you may wish to evacuate safely and promptly